Healthy Lifestyle Blog

Osteoporosis and Overall Bone Health
Bone health and treatment of osteoporosis are of utmost importance for overall health and wellbeing.
Dec 29th, 2021

Preventing Viral Illness
Recently, one of the physicians on national news referred to the health benefits of ultra violet light. Though he didn’t say it, he was indirectly referring to the increase in vitamin D that comes from sunshine on your skin.
Apr 6th, 2020

Almost everyone at some point in their life experiences arthritis pain and symptoms. Every joint in your body is covered with a layer of articular cartilage on each bone that faces one another.
Nov 27th, 2015

Nothing Tastes As Good As It Feels To Be Thin
Several years ago one of my patients made that statement to me and it has stuck with me ever since. It is such a true statement about health, but I would add that your heart, your spine, and your joints also depend on it.
Apr 24th, 2013